Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Night Movies

Sunday is the perfect day for relaxing and spending time with family. No matter what I plan on accomplishing that day, I always end up lounging around, watching mindless quality T.V. shows and movies.

The top picks today were:

V for Vendetta                                


Taken is one of those movies that I will never get tired of! Liam Neeson is, for lack of better words, a total BA in this movie! Normally I'm not one for action films, but this movie is highly entertaining and keeps me glued to the screen. Honestly, I rarely ever watch movies without becoming distracted and seeking for something else to keep me occupied; I'm such a typical 21st century young adult. I was the restless little girl in the movie theatre who was constantly switching positions and waiting for the movie to end.

Overall, today was a successful lazy Sunday. However, I'm ready to start afresh tomorrow and get on track! I'm starting an exciting new journey tomorrow!

Sweet Dreams!

An Exciting Endeavor


I've been reading and following blogs for quite some time, so I figured it was time to create my own! Since my blog doesn't have a specific purpose, I'm planning on just winging it and including random boring pieces of my life as a college-aged girl! We'll see how this goes and where it takes me!
